Saturday, July 30, 2011


Yucky stomach bug, you can leave my house now!!!! Dallas started complaining a few days ago that her belly was hurting. For the first few days she was acting just fine, so she still went to school and played as normal. But, Thursday she really started complaining. She woke up at 2 AM and was up all night. She never threw up that night just whined and moaned that her belly hurt.
I kept her home from school on Friday and for most of the day she whined and moaned complaining that her belly hurt. 4 kids were out in her class yesterday due to the stomach bug...yuck! I don't like stomach bugs, especially the one she got. There always seems to be three versions:
1 - The throw-up bug...Where you throw up and throw up and until you can't anymore. The good thing about this one though is that it usually lasts only 24 hours and you're done.
2 - The diarrhea bug...This one is somewhat like the throw up bug. You have to go to the bathroom a lot, and your stomach cramps some but it usually lasts only 24 hours too and you're done.
3 - The stomach cramping bug...This one has to be the worst. Your stomach cramps and makes you miserable. You can't eat or drink without your stomach cramping to where you're in the fetal position. With this one, the worst part is that it lingers. Your stomach cramps for days and it's hard to get rid of.
Unfortunately I have have to say Dallas seems to have stomach bug #3...the worst kind. She has just been miserable.
I'm trying to feed her some of the B.R.A.T. diet and lots of fluids. The only thing that seems to not hurt her belly is plain bread. And now she's sipping on some Gatorade. I just feel terrible for her. She is not a happy camper. She's only thrown-up once (yesterday) and went to the bathroom (you know, poopy - once today). This thing seems to just linger and it's NOT FUN!!! I hope she feels better soon and more importantly that no one else gets this yucky bug!

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