Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All in a Day's Work

It's been about a month since we last we really spent some time on the yard. Yes, we've cut the grass and Eric took care of some weeds, but I mean really spending time on the yard - mainly the front beds. Remember this...

This was the last time we spent time on the bushes, shrubs, and overgrown trees.
Well, the other day Eric tells me that he is going to be filming a commercial here for his new pest control product he's launching in October.
He wants to bring people over here and have them film around the front of my house when it looks like this...

Uh, no!
The plants are all dead from the heat of the summer, the front bushes are overgrown, and the mulch...what mulch - there's none left.
So, this morning after dropping the kids at school, I took a trip to Home Depot.
I got home and got to work.
I trimmed up bushes,
ripped out plants and bushes,
planted new plants,
and re-mulched.
It was really hot and I was dripping with sweat.
I didn't get enough mulch and had to go back to Home Depot after picking up Hunter from school.
I worked again, and sweated again...grossly {Is that even a word?}.
And here you have it...the new and improved front of our house.

Now, is it complete...not by a long shot.
There are still plants and bushes that need to be taken out, but I only have so much strength and couldn't do it all.
But, I am pleased with how it looks, at least for the shoot for tomorrow.

And speaking of projects, I'm not finished.
I've been talking about repainting the front door for over a year now.
Yes, it's been a year and I haven't done it...only talked about it.
See, that's a couple of my flaws {to your utter dismay, I do have flaws}...
I'm a procrastinator,
and I'm a very impatient person.
And, when you put the two together, they don't make a good pair.
Like I said, I've been wanting to re-paint the front door, but haven't - procrastinating.
And, today seemed like the best day for it - impatientness is starting to reer his ugly head.
So, Hunter and I went to Home Depot after school {remember I had to get more mulch?}.

My little helper at Home Depot.
We picked out some light yellow paint and had it mixed up.
Yes, yellow.
I love yellow and love red, yellow, and black together.
The house is red brick, the shutters are black,
and now the door is yellow.

It's kind of hard to see because it's late and dark.

I will re-post a picture of the complete door tomorrow, but didn't want to leave this hanging. So, here you go for now:
Outside Before

Inside Before
Yes, the U on my wreath fell off and hasn't been fixed yet, but not to worry it will be as good as new tomorrow.

Now, it's not complete, but I will reveal that later.

In the meantime, I am pooped and my eyes are crossing. I must go to bed.
Hope y'all had a good day and a great night's sleep.

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