OK so yes, I have not been that great at listing all of my things I'm thankful for.
Well, to be honest, I've been a bit busy (imagine that), and I wasn't sure if I was boring y'all with all my gushiness, so I decided to back off.
Of course I have a list of things I'm thankful for, and I think about those things everyday...and thank the goo Lord above for all the things He has blessed me with.
So, here's a quick run down...
God -
Without Him, nothing is possible! He is everything!!!
My kids -
first and foremost.
They are my heart and no matter how batty they make me some days, they are mine and they make me laugh and fill my soul with pride. I am thankful for them.
Our families -
all of them...parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nephews, etc...they are what keeps our world going 'round.
Friends -
I've said it before and I will say it again, I am one lucky girl with the friends that I have.
I've got some special friends here in Raleigh and friends all over...
including my bestie in KY. Man I miss her and wish I could see her more often.
Starbucks -
Especially Pumpkin Spice ones. Although I'm not so thankful for the few Lb's I pack on from drinking them during the holidays.
Fall -
This one in particular! The temperatures have been so lovely for a couple of months now, and the leaves have just been beautiful.
You -
I am so thankful for you as my readers! I have enjoyed writing since the 7th grade and love to write what's on my mind.
So, thank you for reading, and please keep on doing so.
And on and on and on I can go!
Here it is Thanksgiving is around the corner...next week to be exact and a week later it will be my baby's birthday.
My baby...he'll be 4 years old!
I cannot believe it. I feel like I was just pregnant with him waiting (not so patiently) for him to come...6 days late I might add.
If you know me at all you know how much I LOVE parties!
I get so giddy and have been known to go a bit overboard.
But, to my defense, I'm only reciprocating to my kids what I had growing up
(great birthday parties).
So, needless to say, his birthday is a couple of weeks away and it is party central here in my brain.
I've got ideas swirling like a tornado in my head and I can't get the ideas down on paper fast enough!
What's that? What's the theme?
Oh, sorry, I seemed to forget that...
Of course it is because our son is obsessed with baseball and I couldn't be more excited. I love baseball. If you don't know that check it out HERE.
So, I'm in baseball party mode and so excited to use my Silhouette to make all kinds of fun things for the party.
So, check back in a few weeks and see how the party all turns out.
He certainly is one cute baseball player!
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