Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Computers...ugh! {and loose teeth}

Well, I had this great post all ready to add pictures, and for some reason I just can't do it tonight...either my computer or the Internet {or both} are not my friend.

So, I leave you with this thought...{or picture}

Last week I posted a lot about Hunter but didn't have much to say about my sweet Dallas. Well, let's change that.
Her two front teeth have been loose for a while now, especially the left one.
It's so loose it looks awful. It's the kind that it sticks almost straight out and over the right one...gross.
I'm not a pulling teeth type person, but I make her wiggle, twist, and pull every day. That sucker is hanging on for dear life.

Let's jump to Saturday.
I was painting and talking on the phone. Eric was running a few errands and the kids were playing.
I could hear what they were doing...playing a "hitting" game. They were giggling and laughing, but I knew it was only a matter of time before someone got hurt.

Just as I was standing from my painting to check on them, Hunter got a great shot and immediate crying from Dallas...
"Hunter, you broke it. You broke my tooth."
And the hysterics began.

As I was rounding the corner to help her, I couldn't help but think, "thank goodness, that tooth is gone."

Upon cleaning and further examining I realized it wasn't the super duper loose tooth, it was the one next to it that didn't seem too loose.

So now my sweet baby girl looks like she stepped right out of the show Swamp People.
Do you know the show?
Well if not picture this, she reminds me of the lightning bug on The Princess and The Frog.
Bless her little heart.
She still my sweet, beautiful little girl, but I'm not loving this look.

I'm not a big proponent of the "hitting" game, but we might have to have another session so Hunter can knock the other one out.
Just kidding, geez!

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