Thursday, September 6, 2012

Have ya missed me???

Hey y’all! How in the heck are you? Have you missed me???

I have missed y’all and this blog.

I cannot believe it’s September already. What a fast summer.

I knew once Hunter got out of preschool in May, something was going to have to give and unfortunately it was my blog. There just wasn’t time to sit and type and think of fun things when I was trying to keep him busy and happy all.summer.long.

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a fast summer, and a very long August, but then again, August is always long for me. By the time August comes around many things start settling in…I’m tired of wearing a bathing suit everyday, I’m tired of fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants days and no schedules, and I’m tired of being “needed” all the time {}. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved having the summer with Hunter and enjoying time with him, but man, all he wants to do is play…play…play. And if I take time for myself and try to paint a bathroom per say, he tells on me to his daddy. {I may or may not have gotten busted one day for painting and not playing.}

Dallas was in school most of the summer, due to our year-round school calendar. She had the week of 4th of July off and then started first grade. She was in for 3 weeks and then “tracked out” for 3 weeks at the end of July. She’s had a little rough go at getting back in the groove since she tracked back in, but nothing like we’ve endured in the past. She cries in the morning not wanting to go to school, but I think some of that is partly because Hunter was still home.

But, H-man started preschool yesterday!

I digress a little. We’ll get back to school stuff. So, summer was busy with school for Dallas, swimming for Hunter, a few projects for me, a little travel, and lots of fun.

I’ve wanted to post about so many things, but just haven’t had the time. And, then the list of posts got to be so long, I kind of threw my hands in the air and got too overwhelmed with it.

Another thing that was holding me back was the fact that I just don’t love the look of my blog. I don’t love the layout, background, pictures, nothing…just not happy with it. I will admit, I don’t talk “html” so I don’t know a lot about all that stuff. I was too nervous to try and change anything afraid of messing it up. But, thanks to a friend, she talked me down off my cliff and explained a few things to me. She also got me “re-focused” if you will on why I started this blog {Thanks, Anne!}

So, over the next few weeks, hopefully we will be seeing some changes. I’m going to get new pictures {so excited to do this seeing we haven’t done family pictures in two years}, a new background, and possibly a new layout.

I’m even toying with the idea of joining the “social networking” with this little baby of mine. Still a bit nervous about this and again, not sure how to make a Facebook page or bring it to the Pinterest world. We’ll see…

I’m not saying I’ll post everyday, and in fact I can guarantee I won’t, but I’m hoping to make it a small priority in my week and share lots of stuff with you.

I’ve got some great trips to share, a couple of rom “make-overs”, a recipe or two, and I’m sure some funny kid stories. I will share all of them with you and play a game of “catch-up” from our summer shenanigans, but for starters I will start with a “Thursday Thoughts”…it’s been a while.

I won’t do it here because I need to go get in carpool and head out to dance, but check back later for some “thoughts” from me.

Hope y’all all had a fabulous summer and are as excited as I am to get fall started!

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