Dear Hunter,
Well, the day has come and you are off to Kindergarten. It feels like just yesterday I was holding you in my arms as an infant. You have grown so much in the last 5 years, but I tell you, you are ready for this next season of your life.
Today walking into school for your staggered entry day, you were all smiles and seemed to not be nervous in the least.
You are such a joy to be around {when you’re happy}. When you’re not happy, you definitely let everyone know. We’re hoping that settles out soon. Overall, you are a fun-loving, silly, and very athletic little boy. You love anything sport related and seem to always have some kind a ball in your hand. Your favorite sport is baseball. You are really good and hitting, and we’re working on your catching.
You love the boat and swimming. You are really good at knee-boarding and you’re working your way up to stand.
You are definitely a daddy’s boy! When your daddy walks in the house the world stops. On the weekends it’s you and daddy all.the.time. Good luck to Dallas and me to try to get any time with daddy. It just doesn’t happen. It’s a good thing though, because I have a feeling you and your daddy are going to be pretty tight when you grow up. Daddy loves that idea.
You are sweet and kind little boy with just the right amount of true boy in you. You love all things super-heroes and you love your “guys”. You have so many figurines that you play with, but your favorites right now are Mike the Knight, Superman, Spiderman, and Captain Jack Sparrow.
You love to dress up in costumes, but you’re starting to get out of that…makes me sad.
I mentioned you are a sweet and kind boy. You are. You are quick to give hugs and when you’re very compassionate about others. You care about other’s feelings and want to make people happy.
Your favorite snack is pretzels with “chocolate stuff” {Nutella}. You love all fruit, milk, and apple juice. Your favorite place to eat out is Chick-fil-a, but you also love Mexican.
As you start your kindergarten year, I want you to know how much daddy and I love you. We are so proud of you and always will be. You make us so happy and you “fill our bucket” with joy and laughter everyday.
Good luck my sweet boy. You will do great!
PS: After picking you up from school today I asked if you had fun. You beamed with delight and was so excited to tell me about your day. I then asked if you missed me and you said: “No.” I said, “You didn’t? Well, I missed you.” You then replied… “You’ll get used to it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. I guess I will have to get used to it. I’m so excited for you and your new season. You will do great!
Always know that mommy loves you to the moon and back.
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