Monday, January 23, 2012


So, here I am I can see the finish line the “light at the end of the tunnel” if you will for this renovation project I have going.

I’ve been working almost non-stop on this “little” renovation project in my laundry room. This “little” project has become not so little after all…but then again, don’t all renovation projects turn out that way. You know…double the time, triple the expense??? I have to say that this project for me is seeming a bit the opposite which I’m sure will thrill my husband. I’m doing most of the work myself with a some help from the hubs. We have paid our carpenter friend to give our tee-tinty pantry a little face lift, and I’m waiting for a call from Lowe’s for an estimate on replacing the floor. Other than those two small things, we’ve done it ourselves. Eric’s helped a lot with watching the kids on the weekends so I can paint, paint, and paint some more.

I worked all weekend and I have to tell you that I am absolutely loving how it’s turning out.


Yes, unfortunately there’s a “butt” there. I have been in this small room for so long {well, 2 weeks} and I can see the end result glimmering in the distance, but I’m entering the “questioning” phase. You know the part where you question everything…every decision you’ve made thus far in a project?? Yup, I’m there.

Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE the cabinets, and I LOVE the new color, and I LOVE, LOVE my bench and board and batten that’s been hung. I am however, questioning things…"should I have not gone pure white for the cabinets and lower walls?” “Should I have put another coat on the cabinets?” “Could I still paint another coat on the walls?” Oh, should-a, could-a, would-a.

I just need out of that room. I need to finish it and put it all together, but that will take some time. I need to find fabric to make a cornice board for the small window and a bench pad I want to make…not to mention the accessories. I need to shop!!!

I’m hoping that by the weekend it will be finished or at least most of the way.

In the meantime, the house is a wreck…I can’t clean because everything that was in the laundry room is now sprawled out in three….ahhh as I’m typing this my stomach is tightening up…I need this finished.


It will come and it will be beautiful!!! And I cannot wait to share it with YOU!!!

And if all that’s not enough my baby girl will be turning 6 this coming Saturday. We’re having a small brunch for her and a few friends, so I’m also wracking my brains on decorations and crafts. You know me and my party planning head. Usually by now, I’ve been planning for weeks…no months, but not this time. This is going to be small…if it’s the last thing I do. We have a “big” trip planned for her birthday and can’t do a big party too…so I am bound and determined to keep this thing small – but great none-the-less!

Nothing makes a tired, crazy lady’s brain better than a warm toasted marshmallow latte, right??

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That’s exactly what I enjoyed. Today, the kids didn’t have school – Hunter had a teacher work day and Dallas began her track out – so we hit Jumping Beans. We tried last week but with MLK holiday all of Wake Forest had the same idea and we couldn’t get in. I promised we’d go again…today seemed like the perfect day…and it was.

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So, the house is still a mess, and the food needs to be put back in the pantry…after I finish painting the new shelves, but not tonight. Tonight I am writing this and watching one of my favorite movies…Sex and the City {1}.

Time to relax and face the mess tomorrow.

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