Friday, January 20, 2012

Thursday Thoughts…

Well, I guess it’s technically Friday…oh well. I was going to write my Thursday Thoughts last night, but watched a movie with my sweet hubs instead. So, here I am today.

Y’all, I’m tired.

I don’t know about you but this week flew by so fast. Of course, I’ve found myself in the midst of a new room reno. I sat in carpool last week and started making a list of all the things I want to do to this house. Well, there’s A LOT, and it seems that every room but two {the two I did last year} needs something to get it “perfect”.

So, I mentioned this little “list” to my husband and in great Eric fashion, he smiled, shook his head, and said, “Ok, honey”. Later he would tease me that my “little” projects seem to turn into his projects. Yes, I needed some help cutting wood and measuring, but other than that, this “little” project is all mine. He caved and helped like a good man. He’s so good to me.

I decided to start with the laundry room. I mentioned this the other day. This room is probably getting the biggest overhaul. I can’t show you right now because I’m in the middle of this and I don’t want to spoil it. But, I can tell you that my cabinets are now white and I’m in love with them. So much more to still do in that room.

Painting cabinets is a tedious job. But, I will tell you that this new stuff that Rust-oleum makes is wonderful and a life saver.Rustoleum Light Tint Small Kitchen Cabinet Transformation Kit 258109  - 258109

First of all, there’s no stripping or sanding. All you do is use their “de-glosser” to prepare your cabinets. You then paint and put on the top coat. Yes, it’s been a bit time consuming only because the only time I have to paint is at night. I also had to figure out which brush worked best for my “faux” wood cabinets. I’ll give a tutorial soon.

I have found myself a couple of times this week walking around my small laundry room and dining room {where I was painting the cabinet doors} wondering what I should do next. I wouldn’t have much time before picking up a kid at school and wasn’t sure it was worth pulling everything out.

At one point during this aimless walking in circles with my head spinning I reminded myself of a certain person on a beach vacation a few years ago. If you know the story, you’re probably picturing me as this person and laughing hysterically. If you don’t know the story, it’s ok…just picture a damsel in distress running around in circles not knowing what to do next.

I digress, sorry.

I’m hoping this weekend I can finish my part of the laundry room for the most part. Accessorizing is not a priority this weekend…that will come later.

Next week I have my favorite carpenter coming to give my poor tiny pantry a little face lift and getting estimates on flooring…b/c it’s just awful in that room. I’m so embarrassed by it.


Today was Dallas’ last day before she tracks out for 2 1/2 weeks. So, we celebrated her birthday with her classmates. Hunter and I went and had lunch with her and she asked that I bring doughnuts for she and her friends. She was ecstatic. I will tell you though, that child does NOT like attention on her. Her class all sat in their seats all eyes on her and sang her Happy Birthday. Her poor face turned as red as her hairbow and she almost got teary-eyed. She does not like that sort of thing. But, the song ended and everyone gobbled up their doughnuts…whew she was happy again.

January 2012 007January 2012 009

Do your kids have a saying that are just so precious you hope they will say it forever and ever? I’ve been thinking about this recently. When Dallas was little and we had our dogs, she couldn’t say Kodiak so she called him “Kak”. It was so precious but before I knew it, she grew a little more and called him by his right name. I just loved her calling him Kak…it was so innocent. She also loves to have her “chooses” in the morning for her clothes. Yes, I still love to have a say in what she wears so we compromise. I give her two “chooses” and she has the final say. Hunter used to always say, “Mommy, I’m hongry.” So cute. I think I finally got it on film one day and then that cute little saying was gone. Well, now he’s really into the Ready, Set, Go saying, but he says it “Ready, and Steady, and Go!” and usually it follows by him jumping off something. He’s pretending to be a pirate of course but I just love how he says that all the time.

One thing I’m not a fan of…snoring!!! And my sweet, tired husband is doing it right now…can you hear him??? Not a fan…not at all.

Well, hope you have a fantastic weekend. I’m hoping to share my room with you next week. Until then, thanks for stopping by and take care.

Sleep tight!

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