So, I got a lot of great feedback from last Thursday’s post of my “Random Thoughts” of the day; I thought I’d do it again.
First of all, I realized today that there are two VERY overrated words in the English language and are used way too much. The first I mentioned last week, “Why?” Seriously, we could do away with this word and I would never complain. Today, I realized the second word… “Mommy”.
Yes, I think I’m going to change my name from Mommy to something totally different, like Rascal or Dolly or something. I kid you not, while Hunter and I were cooking dinner for a friend today, he said “Mommy” literally 100 times in about an hours time.
“Mommy, I need more spices.”
“Mommy, look at this bowl. Is that enough for you?”
“Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. My spoon dropped on the floor.”
“Mommy, where’s Captain Jack Sparrow?”
“M-O-M-M-Y!!!! I made a mess.”
My brain hurt from hearing my name so much. Lord knows I love that little boy and his big brown eyes could get him just about anywhere with me, but I’m done with the “mommy” thing…and as I type this, he’s still calling me “Mommy. Mom. Mommy?” Can you hear him?
Hold that thought!
Okay, maybe he’s on his way to Sleeper Ville.
While we’re on the subject of my sweet, little man, let’s talk about the age of 4 seeing that we have entered the threshold of this age.
Before having kids I always heard about the Terrible 2’s. When my babies came around, it somehow became the Terrible 2’s and the Torrential 3’s. When they turned 2, it was then the Terrible 2’s, the Torrential 3’s, and the Fabulous 4’s. What?! Every age has an adjective??? Well, I just want to differ with this little “theory”. I have to say, I adore the age of 2. Children are so stinking cute at this age. Yes, their personalities are starting to show a bit. I just love how they still toddle around, still have a little babble to their language, and are still so cuddly. At least that was my kids. My two were so adorable at 2, I wish I could have bottled them up and bring them out every now and then. But, the moment they each blew out their 3 candles on their birthday cake, the sweet little beings I once had turned into some little screaming, whining, very demanding monsters. Not all the time, but the age of 3 was much harder than 2. I think it’s because they can do so much for themselves, but still can’t do as much as they want to be able to do and they get frustrated…who knows, but that makes me feel better. And whoever said 4 was good, must be crazy. Four year olds, or at least the two that’s lived under my roof, have been so whiney it’s crazy. If I could get through a day without whining over every little thing, I would be so happy. Poor Hunter only know one pitch…very very high and extremely nasally {is that even a word?}. He could be the happiest boy on Earth and the bow on his pirate belt could come out from being tucked in…0-100 decibel yelling “Mommy, look!!!” Oh my goodness, call the police or the paramedics!!! All I can say I would take the age of 2 over 3 or 4 any day.
So, do y’all suffer from any of this?
Last thought of the night…I really think I have a wreath obsession. I made a new one last night and finished it today. Eric laughed at me last night when I pulled all the stuff out for it. He shook his head and said, “Honey, I think you have a problem”. Don’t worry, he was giggling when he said it, so I don’t think he really meant it. What can I say, my sweet, yellow front door was looking a little lonely and needed a friend.
I’ll give you the tutorial tomorrow, but here’s a sneak peak.
Well, Happy Thursday y’all. Thanks for stopping by. You never know what crazy thoughts go through my head on any given Thursday.
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