Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It’s a Wonderful Christmas

Hey there, y’all. I hope this finds that all of you had a wonderful and bright Christmas.

We sure did. I have to say that once I got over the funk I was in, the last week has been fabulous. We have had family in for a week and it was great.

We were so blessed to have Eric’s parents here for Christmas and then mine came in on Monday. We’ve had lots of laughs, good food, and made a ton of memories.

Christmas Eve church service was phenomenal as it always is. We were late to come in and had to sit in the back, but we didn’t miss a thing. I was a crying mess the whole time. Don’t worry, they were happy tears, but there’s something about Christmas songs that just pulls at my heart strings and makes me turn into waterworks girl.

Anyway, that was definitely what I needed to complete my Christmas spirit.

The kids were so jacked up all day that we put them to bed super early. They were exhausted and were just bouncing off the walls. Off to bed they went, but not before snapping a quick picture. And of course we had to leave the reindeer food outside and cookies and milk for Santa.

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I could go on and on about Christmas morning, afternoon, night, and the day after, but I won’t give all details, but I will say that Santa {or someone} must’ve thought we were good because we got everything we wanted. When I say everything, I mean everything…check it out.

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Hunter’s corner from Santa including the Lego Black Pearl pirate ship and Jack Sparrow dress up set.

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Dallas’ corner from Santa including the American Girl, Emily, a pair of PJs for her and a make the faces pad.

If Santa didn’t bring enough for them they each got lots of more gifts…so much for cutting back this year.

Can I just tell you I must have done something really good this year because I got E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G I wanted. I’m still in disbelief. Want to know what it is?

Well, I’ve been wanting these for quite some time now…

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Yes, that would be the Canon Rebel!!! I am so excited, I can’t stand it.

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Rain boots from my sweet little girl.

I didn’t get a picture but my wonderful in-laws finished out my Christmas dishes I’ve been collecting for a couple of years now. They are simply elegant which is perfectly my style.

When my parents came with a carload of more presents I just couldn’t believe it.

We all received lots of more fun gifts, but I got the last toy I was really hoping for…

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A sewing machine!!!


I’m so excited. I’ve been wanting to learn to sew for some time now, and now I can.

So needless to say I have been super busy since Christmas taking pictures, finding places for all these new toys, a little shopping, and also sewing!

Today Mama, Dallas and I started and finished my first project, a pillow for Dallas’ bed. We saw the fabric on clearance at JoAnn’s and I just had to have it.

Dallas was a great help, and we had a lot of fun doing this together.

Mama is a very patient and wonderful teacher, and I think I was a pretty good student.

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I had little helpers, and we had a great time.

Yes, I even made a ruffle on my first try.

And the end result…

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Isn’t it super cute??? I just love it, and so does Dallas. Tomorrow I have to make Emily, her doll, a matching pillow…good thing I got lots of material.

Like I said, I hope y’all had a wonderful Christmas. I just love this time of year…time with family.

I’ll be back the next couple of days to share some craft projects I worked on for presents.

Y’all have a good night.

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