Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It’s All Their Fault…

June 2012 007

Look at ‘em…go on, take a good hard look at ‘em.

See those cute, adorable smiles? Their beautifully groomed hair, precious matching outfits, arms wrapped around each other in nothing but sweet love…

And those eyes…one pair of blue and one pair of brown…just like their Mama and their Daddy. Those eyes that you look into and just fall in love…


They’ve sucked it out of me….what you wonder???


That’s right, these cute, little, adorable, sweet-natured, crazy - want to make you laugh kids sucked out every bit of smart, or whatever that was in my brain.

There’s nothing left.

You see, before I had kids, I was a teacher. My classroom was so organized. You know all those super organized classrooms you see on Pinterest these days? Well, my friends, my classroom was one of those.

Everything was color coded: days, classes, lessons, groups, books…everything. Everything had a color and a place and a label, and a I knew what each thing meant and where it was. {I get my organization from my Daddy not my Mama. Bless her heart, you could never see the bottom of her desk, and she liked it that way…I digress}

Our house was basically the same. I cleaned on Sunday {like clockwork} and the house was picked up, neat, and organized. Ha. Don’t even get me started on the house.

Then, these sweet kiddos entered my life and over the past 6 years all of my brain has been sucked out of me.

I’ve been feeling something was missing, and I realized today what it is.

Hunter started camp this week at his new preschool. We were excited about it. He was excited to go make new friends and play games, and I was super excited to get a break. He’s been out of school since May and since then he’s been my barnacle. He’s always been my “hip-baby” and he still loves to be right up next to me. He touches me all.day.long. He calls me all.day.long. He needs me all.day.long.

It’s been getting a little tiresome, so I was looking forward for him to go to camp so I can get a few things done around the house. I have some organizational projects I want to do and can’t do them when their home…just doesn’t happen. There’s always juice to be made, a sword fight to play, and sometimes even a bottom to wipe.

Well, picture this…me, my Silhouette SD, some vinyl, and some organizing to be had. My Happy Place…

It’s the end of Tuesday, and want to know what I’ve done???


No, I’m not napping, not talking on the phone, not completely running errands.

I find myself for hours aimlessly roaming around this house wondering, “What in the world do I do with myself???”

What do you mean, no one needs juice, no one’s hungry, and there’s not a sword fight to have. This must be some kind of a joke, right.

I feel like I’m playing some sort of hide-and-seek game with him and he’s hidden in a really good spot. I can’t find him. I can’t hear him call my name. Where is he?

So, I go look at my To-do list and wonder where to start. I go in my craft room to start organizing ribbons, fabrics, scrapbook paper, tulle…

It’s the end of Tuesday and it’s not done. In fact, I don’t even know where to start. What??? That’s not me. I thrive on organization. I thrive on labels and color codes. And I can’t figure out where to start with my labels. What kind of bins do I need? What shelves shall I get?

Mush….mush I tell you! It’s nothing but mush. The one thing I was always so good at and loved to do, I don’t know how to do it. Man, that really stinks. I feel empty.

Maybe one day it will come back. Until then I will have sword fights, and play American girl, and hope there will be a glimpse of my old friend, “Ms. Organization”, that will come for a visit soon. I miss her.

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