Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Surgery Day

Today was the “big” day. Our little man, Hunter, had his surgery today. After reoccurring ear infections and multiple rounds of antibiotics which weren’t working, off to the ENT we went.

We found that he had fluid sitting on his eardrum most likely from allergies, and was not draining. Antibiotics weren’t working and he had minor temporary hearing loss due to the fluid. The decision was then made that he needed tubes and possible adenoids taken out.

Of course we only want the best for our children and would walk through fire for them, but it’s never easy to hear that your baby has to be put under and have surgery no matter how minor or major it may be.

Well, today was the day…Doom’s Day. Ha! Just kidding…well kind of.

Eric and I had done this song and dance before with Dallas but on a worse level. A couple of years ago she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. Where it was the best thing for her, it was a nightmare for us. She was a trouper during the two week recovery and was quite the champ, but let me tell you she was a bear coming out of anesthesia. She was screaming and looked half dead. It was A.W.F.U.L. holding her as tight as I could so she wouldn’t hurt herself. I think Eric and I are a little scarred by that scene, so needless to say we were a bit on the nervous side going into today.

I digress…a bit.

We arrived at the surgical center bright and early this morning and got Hunter all checked in. He was not too happy about putting on the gown, especially because it was purple. But, he soon calmed down and we waited. And waited. And waited.

Finally after about 45 minutes they came to get him. He hopped down off Eric’s lap, took Dr. Medder’s hand, and off they went.

We waited in the waiting room for a bit trying to busy ourselves with  conversation, emails, and magazines. I think it’s better if you try not to picture in your head what’s going on.

Pretty soon, Dr. Medder’s came out and said he was done. Going in we didn’t know if Hunter’s adenoids were going to have to come out, but they did. He told us that Hunter had A LOT of fluid on the eardrums and his adenoids were very swollen and full of puss. Yuck! Poor guy, no wonder he was always miserable.

We waited a bit longer and they came and told us he was awake and asking for Daddy…what about me? Am I chopped liver??? He loves his daddy.

Coming out of anesthesia was not as bad with him as it was with Dallas, but he was NOT happy. He cried and screamed a bit but gulped down three icee pops.

After a while we were home. He started coming around. I cuddled up with him on the couch. We napped and watched t.v. most of the day. By late afternoon, he was almost back to his old self…woohoo!

I am one proud mama of my big boy. He did such a great job was such a trouper.

My favorite part of today is when we got home he ran to the bathroom. He flushed and said, “Wow! Mommy I heard it flush.”

I love my little guy!

To all our family and friends out there who sent up good thoughts and prayers, thank you! It means so much to us. God is so good!

March 2013-phone pics 039-1

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