Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Naughty Kids & Max the Elf

Ever wonder what happens when children are more naughty than they are nice?

Well, let’s take a look:

Yesterday my kiddos were much too whiny, cranky, and fussy.

This morning when they awoke, much to their surprise they found Max, our elf, sitting in the same spot as yesterday.

Next to him there was an envelope that was addressed to them.

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Oh dear! What on Earth could this be?

They both looked up at me with curious eyes and Dallas asked, “Did Max write that?”

I shrugged and carefully {without touching Max} took the envelope and let them examine it. They discovered there was a letter inside.

They wanted me to read it to them. Here’s what it said…

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The gist of the letter stated that Max didn’t show up for check in, and Santa got worried. So, he sent our friends’ elf, Bob, to come check in on him. Max was so sad because all the whining and fussing made him have such a bad headache he couldn’t fly.

Santa then left the letter to remind my {sweet} kiddos to stop all the whining and fussing and listen and obey their mommy and daddy.

After reading the letter, I looked at my kids. Dallas had sweet, genuine tears in her eyes and quickly apologized to Max. Hunter, being his stubborn 5 year old self, was just looking at me kinda not sure what to make of the whole thing.

Hopefully the letter will put these kids back on the right track and Max can deliver good news to Santa tonight. I sure hope so!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! We had to do the same thing with our elf and Noah cried too. I told him that if they didn't straighten up this behavior that Jingle might ask to be reassigned to a different family. He didn't take it well. I will say that since this "incident" the behavior has been much better!!! Teehee!!!
