Monday, February 27, 2012

Parents, projects, pajamas, and pounds…oh my!

Wow! There’s lots of “p”s swirling around my blog friend tonight…

Let’s get started, shall we?


My Mama and Daddy came in town last Wednesday for a few days, and it was so good to have them here {as always}. Eric was traveling yet again, so they came in to give me a little relief…they’re good like that.

Mama and I got started right away on a sewing project I wanted her to help me with. I wanted to make a valance for the skinny window in my laundry room, but didn’t really know where to start. We hit the fabric store and after an hour we walked out with a small bag with some fabric and trim. {Thanks Papa G for sitting very patiently in the car with Hunter while we shopped.}

I just love the fabric we ended up purchasing, and feel that it is perfect for my laundry room.

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I had all good intensions of watching her, learning from her, and sewing in front of her so I could learn how to make a valance, but that just did not happen.

I did not make one stitch on my cute little valance. She did all the hard work, but it’s perfect. I just love it.

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It really is bringing this room together. I’ve started one of the last projects for that room…the bench cover. I’ve never done anything like this, so this project might be a tough one…I’m taking it slow. I’ll let you know.

Anyway, back to my first “p” of the night…my parents. Yes, they were here and we had a great time. But it wasn’t just them who came to see us this weekend. My big brother, Garrett, and his wife, Cassie, also came up from Savannah. It’s been a L.O.N.G time since we’ve seen them, and we were all so excited they were coming.

The kids quickly attached themselves to their uncle and aunt and we didn’t see much of any of them Friday evening and into Saturday.

Aunt Cassie even turned into a horse and was giving free rides to the kids around the house…it hurts my knees just thinking about it.

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Dallas stepped up to the plate and gave Aunt Cassie a ride too.

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Such a fun time this weekend was. It was so nice to have all of us under one roof and make some fun memories.

I have to admit I’m not sure which was my favorite part of the whole weekend though…the fact that everyone was here together, or the fact that Garrett and Cassie took the kids out on Sunday for 4 hours and left me here by myself.

Boy, that was awesome! I enjoyed some quiet time, but it sounds like the 4 of them enjoyed sharing special time with each other. I’m so glad they got to do that.


I said last week I had several projects started but couldn’t get them finished.

Well, I sat down for little while on Friday and finished a few of them.

First, I wanted to jazz up a frame that was on one of my shelves in the living room.

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I purchased the “live” plant and “laugh” blocks at Stein Mart after Christmas on some crazy sale they were having. I love them, but was missing the “love”.

I had the picture of Garrett and Cassie next to it, but it just didn’t seem complete. What could make it complete??? Just a little ‘love’ and spray paint.

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I love this picture of them. I think it’s just the epitome of Garrett and Cassie. They love each other and music. A great show of “love”.

I sprayed the frame a Gloss Ivory I had on hand.

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I took my friend, Silo…you know my Silhouette and cut out the word “Love” on green vinyl and then put it on the glass of the frame.

Wha-la..a finished project.

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I think it really helps bring this shelf to be finished…with a little ‘love’.

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On to project #2.

Garrett and Cassie recently had to put their dog, Miss Sally to rest. She was an old girl and lived to be 13. She had a great life, but it was just her time. As we all know, losing a pet is never easy, so I wanted to do something special for him….to honor Miss Sally.

I bought a frame at Home Goods…man I love their prices on frames.

I also printed out a picture of Miss Sally.

Again, I used my friend Silo and cut out the saying, “A dog is a friend who leaves pawprints in your heart on black vinyl.

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We ALL loved Miss Sally and will miss her terribly.

I do have one more project but I’ll write that one out in it’s own entry. Not tonight…I’m getting tired.

Let’s move on…

This one is kind of funny…at least to me.

My daughter is very particular about her pajamas. Don’t ask me why, but she is.

She has this thing about her pjs. She likes to mix-match, match them, wear all of them, but heaven for bid, I am NOT allowed to wash them. She gets so mad at me if I wash them with the other clothes. Crazy, huh?

I don’t know about you, but I like to wear clean pjs when I go to sleep.

So, to make sure my little girl has clean pajamas to sleep in, every week or so I have to sneak in her room while she’s at school, wash and dry all the pjs, fold them, and neatly place them back in her drawer. All without her knowing what I’ve done.

Sneaky, huh?

Well, today was pajama washing day.

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Now Dallas has a drawer full of nice, clean pajamas.


I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was using this new app on my phone called “Lose it!” to help me with watching what I eat so I could lose a little weight. Well, I’m happy to say that since February 08, I’ve lost 5 pounds.

Now, I’m not sure if it’s water weight, or loss of muscle, or what, but I’m happy that my jeans are starting to fit better than they did a month ago.

Love that app!!!

Kids say the darndest things!

My Mama always said that and now that I have kids, I totally believe it. So, I have to share a funny story from tonight. I just hope you don’t get grossed out by it.

After bath, Hunter was sitting on the potty and going poopy. {Yes, we say poopy in these parts.}

I wasn’t paying much attention and getting ready to brush teeth and finish nighttime routine.

All of a sudden he looks down and says, “I got a daddy, a mommy, and two kids.”

{Quiet for a second, pondering…}

“All I need is 2 more, a pa-pa and a grandpa…all from my Poop Machine.”

He was so serious but I couldn’t help but laugh.

He was so proud of himself for making his “family” from his ‘poop machine’.

Oh how they make me laugh!

I’ve got a few more fun things to share with you this week, but for now, I hope y’all have a great night!

Thanks for stopping by. Y’all come back now!

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