Monday, October 8, 2012

Halloween {Boo} Wreath

I figured that since it was October and Halloween was around the corner, I needed to take down my 4th of July wreath and replace it with a new and festive one.
I really like making the ribbon wreaths. I think there’s so much you can do with it.
So, off to Michael’s I went and bought ribbon, a wreath form, and letters for the word “BOO”.
For ribbon I bought plain black and orange with small white polka dots.
I used some floral pins I had on hand from making previous ribbon wreaths. I find that using the pins for this project is much easier than hot glue…seeing that hot glue sometimes tends to melt the styrofoam wreath form.
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And, if you place them on the back of the wreath, no one will see where you start and stop.
I alternated between the two colors wrapping them tightly around the form.
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The letters were white with glitter already one them…ba-ling!   {even though you can’t tell in the picture.}
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I knew they would show up better on the black ribbon and decided I wanted them to be placed vertical so the black ribbon would be on the sides.
But, my wreath still needed a little something. I wasn’t in the mood to make felt flower wreaths, and quite frankly didn’t think they would go very well with this wreath, so that idea was out. Lima bean? Nope, been there..loved it, but they kept melting off my old wreath.
After a few minutes of pondering I decided to make poofs…that’s right, poofs.
I had some left over lining fabric from my burlap curtains and cut 4 strips. They were 23” X 6” {Ok, so that’s really a guess…I measured when I actually did this but it was last week and I can’t remember the exact measurements, but it’s somewhere in the ballpark.}
Here’s a picture of two of the 4 strips cut.
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After the strips were cut, I sewed a straight stitch down the center of the fabric. I made sure that the stitch was longer, so I set the length on my sewing machine to a 4.
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When all 4 had the stitch down the center, I pulled out the bottom stitch on all of them to make a ruffle. I left the edges of the material raw, mainly because I liked the look.
Then, I just bunched them together and hot glued 2 at the top of the “Boo” and two on the bottom right corner.
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And there you have it… a Halloween {BOO} Wreath.
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Well, Happy Monday. I’ve been a busy bee creating new Halloween decorations for the house. I can’t wait to share with y’all this week.
Do you have any favorite Halloween decorations?

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I might have to borrow some of your ideas!! :)
