Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Don’t Panic!!!

Hey friends! How are y’all???

I am super excited to share with y’all some changes going on over here on my little ole’ blog. First I started with a new name!!!

I hope you weren’t too confused when you came here today…thinking you were coming to “A Southern Girl with a Northern Boy…& 2 Kids in Tow” only to find that it’s not that any more but simply “Dixiefied”.

Isn’t that just so cute???

I have to tell you that there was a lot of consideration and some prayer that went into this change. I brought up the subject a couple of months ago to my husband to get his take on the whole thing. We talked it out, and I didn’t think I wanted to change…or maybe that’s when I was in my Prednisone state of mind and nothing seemed to make much sense.

But…it kept nagging at me. So, finally I said some prayers and felt it was time to take the plunge.

You see, when I started this blog a couple of years ago, I was thinking that it would be a place for me to write…give me something else to do {like I need that, ha!}. I love writing, and thought I could journal about funny, crazy, and sometimes serious things going on in our lives. A way to write down some memories, because let’s face it over the years sometimes they seem to fade {or we forget all the gory details}.

That’s how it started, but over time it’s evolved into something different and more than my original intentions. I began posting about crafts, recipes, and parties. I still included things with my family, but it was growing to something more. And I’ll be completely honest, the more I posted and with the few comments I was receiving from readers, I wanted more. I wanted more readers, more comments, and I really wanted this thing to grow. But, it kind of wasn’t. So, I started doing some research and one of the things that I read was about the title of the blog. It needed to be catchy and simple. Well, mine might have been a little catchy because it is us, completely, but let’s face it…it was NOT simple. It’s a mouthful and hard to remember.

Time to make some changes…starting with the name!

I turned to the trusty men in my life, my husband and daddy. Eric is in marketing and does an awesome job, and my daddy has a knack with names…always has. I asked them to help me…and maybe I threw out some batting eyelashes and a “Sweet Daddy” to ensure their best work.

They came up with some good ones…just like I knew they would. Of course, most of them were already taken…rats.

My daddy said something about “Dixie-fried”. Hmmm, liked it. Catchy. Looked it up…and…taken. Well, something very similar. When he was telling me the name, I first thought he said “Dixiefied”. I thought it was cute, so I crossed my fingers and looked it up.


I didn’t jump on it right away. I sat on it over the weekend and kept saying it over and over again in my head. I kept asking myself, “Is it catchy?” This is not easy stuff people. It’s like naming a child. You know when your pregnant and you’re trying to come up with a name. You walk around for months {or sometimes weeks} saying names in your head and even yelling them {hopefully in the confides of your own home} to see if you like the ring of it. Can you yell it and still love it? That’s kind of what I’ve been going through lately. So, I thought and prayed, and realized the other day that Dixiefied was IT. It’s my new baby.

Where “A Southern Girl…yada, yada, yada” once fit my purpose, it just didn’t anymore. But, Dixiefied sure does because if you know me at all you know I’m a dixiefied southern girl. I love the south and proud to be from here. I raise my kids to say yes ma’m and yes sir because it’s polite and that’s what we do here. I drink sweet tea and I love all things monogramed. I love to cook, craft, and throw a good party. I love my life and love sharing it with all of you…the good, the funny, the ugly.

Thank you for reading and sticking around for so long. I hope you continue to share with me in my little adventure we call life. I always love to hear from you whether through the comments section, on my Facebook page, or an email. Y’all always make my day.

Thanks so much! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!!!

Y’all come back now!


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