Saturday, March 2, 2013

CoveRump Give-a-way: WINNER

Hey y’all! Happy Saturday!

I’m so excited…today is the big day to find out who the lucky winner is for my first give-a-way.

First, I’d like to thank Adrienne once again for helping me with this give-a-way. Thanks Adrienne for your support!

I absolutely love my CoveRump and plan on getting at least one more. I know that whoever the lucky winner is will find that they love it too for an extra layering piece in their wardrobe.

Without Further ado, the winner is…

coverump winner

Lucky number 8:  Jenni Ellinger

Congratulations, Jenni! You’re the winner of not only the awesome CoveRump, but also of my very first give-a-way!!!

Jenni, I will get in touch with you and we will go over the winning details.

Thank you everyone who entered! It means so much to me that you follow and support me.

If you still want a CoveRump, don’t forget to visit Adrienne’s website.

CoveRump Website

You can also “Like” their Facebook Page and keep up to speed on their promotions, sales, and exciting news.

Thanks y’all! Have a wonderful weekend!!!



  1. Woohoo!! I'm so excited! What an honor to be your first give-a-way winner!! :)

  2. oh poo! With all my help you'd think the generator would know to sway my way! Stupid random number thing! Congrats Jenni! ;)
