Thursday, March 21, 2013

Key Lime Pie Smoothie

Oh my goodness! I cannot even believe that it’s been three weeks since I’ve last posted. Please excuse my apologies.

I don’t know about you, but when March 1 hits, I not only get spring fever, but my calendar ramps up and I run around like a crazy person {more so than usual}.

We’ve been quite the busy bees around here the past few weeks with teacher appreciation and my hubby turning 40 and all that goes with that.

I’ve got some great posts to share with y’all…just need a little time to get them done. Just when I have a minute at night to sit and edit pictures my brain is done and I pretty much fall asleep with computer in lap.

I digress.

Anyway, today I want to share a quick smoothie recipe I came up with the other day. We’ve been getting into smoothies lately, so I’m trying all kinds of different ones.

I’ve been trying to be better about eating yogurt lately, but let’s face it…I hate yogurt. I try, really try to like the stuff but I just don’t. So, I’ve been putting it in my smoothies and drinking it. Much better.

We had a beautiful day the other day. It was 68 degrees and sunny…pretty hot for these days. Ha!

The kids and I wanted a smoothie so I started making them. Hunter gets his normal chocolate, and I made Dallas strawberry.

I had recently bought some key lime yogurt and immediately thought of key lime pie. I threw some things together and mixed it with my Emersion blender. It was so good. So, I thought I’d share it with you today.

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 1/2 cup key lime yogurt {or one of these small containers}

1/2 cup milk

1 Tbsp. honey

2 sheets graham crackers

4 ice cubes

Put all the ingredients either in your blender or cup, crumble up the graham crackers a bit.

Blend it either with your blender or emersion blender until smooth.

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Yummy! It was so delicious!!

I hope you enjoy it one day too. I hope it will bring a little summer to you too. Let me know what you think.

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