Monday, October 17, 2011


I have a little confession...
Well, it's a little bigger than a little.
And, it might not mean much to most of you, but it's eating at me, and I have to get it off my chest.
I feel like a child that has lied to my parents and need to tell the truth.
OK, here it goes:

A few weeks ago I think I mentioned that our neighbors bought a house and moved across town.
I know, I know, not that big a deal, right.

The problem is, I have been the worst friend {to my friend} and neighbor {to the new neighbors}.

I have not been over to meet our new neighbors!!!

That is so not me nor the Southern way.
Growing up in the South, if a new neighbor moved onto the street we were at their doorstep with either a cake or a casserole to welcome them to the neighborhood.
And here it's been a few weeks...not hours...weeks, and I have yet to go over to introduce ourselves and welcome them not only to the neighborhood but also to the South.
I've tried...really I have.
 I've made 2 loaves of Amish Friendship Bread to take to them.
The first, we wound up eating it, 
and the second is sitting in my freezer as hard as a brick.

What is wrong with me???

For the life of me, I can't go over across the street.
I can't do it, and my Mama taught me better than this! 

Well, you have to know, Colleen was my first friend when we moved here to North Carolina.

Over the last four and a half years, not only did our friendship grow to crazy heights, but she was the one person in this town that I came to depend on.
She has always been there for me:
She always had that cup of sugar or that egg I needed for a recipe.
She was there for me with the birth of our son,
And she was there for me when we lost our dogs.
She's been my Raleigh Rock!

It's weird.
 My friend and her family moved only 15 miles away {and now only 2 miles from Hunter's preschool}.
for some reason, I can't walk across the street, and face that house, and have new people come to the door; and not have Jack greet me at with his welcoming barks.
I know, I know, I just need to put on my "big girl" panties and go welcome my new's the Southern thing to do!
And I will...maybe tomorrow.

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