I've been keeping this one from you for a while.
The main reason is because I wasn't too sure about the outcome.
Yes, I'm a perfectionist. And where it did turn out kind of like I wanted, it wasn't perfect.
But, we'll go with it. I'll show it to you and you can decide if you like it or not.
I love old windows and the numerous things you can do with them for decorations.
A while back I made this one for my kitchen.
I love kids in the kitchen, the messes they make {especially on their faces}. It really makes me savor the moments of their childhood.
So, I knew I wanted to do another window for my new, blue dining room.
I bought this awesome old window from a local flea market.
It was perfect.
It even had some old blue paint left on it from back in the day.
I loved it on site and new it would work perfectly.
So I purchased it and off I went.
Then, it was deciding what to do with it.
I started searching blogs for some great ideas.
I first saw this picture in another blog, Redifining C.
I really loved how she added the words.
Granted she has one of those fancy Cricuit things, and I don't.
Then I saw these great "homemade" monogram mason jar glasses over on Barefoot Daydreams.
So I thought to myself, "why can't I marry the two ideas?"
I bought myself some Etching Glass Cream at Michaels.
It seemed easy enough so I got to work.
Now, I will spare you all the details of how it took me 2 days to decide exactly what to do and/or say on the window.
But I finally decided on "Eat, Drink, & Be Merry".
A perfect saying for a dining room I thought.
I cut out the letters on contact paper {remember I don't have a Cricuit}.
I put them on the widow and painted on the Etching Cream, following the directions on the package.
I let it sit and then washed it off and wha-la...it was done.
I love the idea of it and how it turned out.
I only wish the letters stood out more.
I put it on the wall anyway and am working with it for now.
I've gotten some good feedback from a few friends.
I'm sure that when I finally purchase a Cricuit I will be fixing and touching this bad boy up, but for now let's all
Eat, Drink, & Be Merry!
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