Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ribbon Hairbands

I'm not very good at making bows. Well, I've never actually looked for tutorials on how to do it, maybe I'll put that on my 'to do' list.
I made Dallas some ribbon flip-flops a couple of months ago and she has loved them. So, I decided to try my hand at ribbon headbands. They were super easy...the hardest part was chosing which ribbon I wanted to use.
I bought some cheap headbands at Wal-Mart - about $2.50 for 5. I then picked up 4 different colors of thin ribbon from Michael's. All their ribbon was 50% off this week so that was a score. I then went to a local fabric store for ribbon by the yard. They have a great selection and it's much cheaper because you don't need that much. And, here's what I ended up with:
All I did next was heat up the good ole' hot glue gun. While that was heating up, I cut the ribbon. I had gotten a yard of each of the decorative ribbon. Granted this is way too much but I like having left-overs. I cut the yard in half, took one of the halfs and cut it in half and half you only need half of the half (does that make any sense?).
By then the hot glue was heated. I took the solid ribbon, put a dot of hot glue at one end and began wrapping the ribbon around the headband. I glued the other end.
Then, just like with the flip flops, I just started stacking in different directions the short pieces of ribbon attaching each one with a small dab of glue. I tied a small bow for the top and glued it on top. I then glued the ribbon fixture on the headband and wha-la, it was done...super easy!

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