Saturday, July 23, 2011

What to do???

What do we do when it's hot as blue blazes, and the air is thick as molasses? The kids are antsy to get out, but we can't do anything outside....yes it's almost too hot to go to the pool. I can think of a million things that I would like to do, but that's me, and the kids would not enjoy any of it.
So, what do we do on a very hot Saturday that would appease two young kids? It must be somewhere super fun and super cool. Hmmm, decisions decisions...

Well, the day is over and the heat is finally coming down. I have to admit, I've seen my car temperature read 100 and 102 degrees before, but today it read 110 that is C.R.A.Z.Y.
So, there was no way we were spending any long periods of time outside. We decided to go to the movies. We first went to lunch at Applebee's. Eric wanted one of their salads, so off we went. The kids were a tad bit fussy (to say the least), but I'm chalking it up to the heat because let's be honest this heat makes everyone grumpy. Once we got food and lemonade in their bellies, though, they were a little happier.

Eric and Hunter doing the activity book together.

Dallas taking a quick break from her activity book.

We then went to the movies with the kids to see Cars 2.

I guess everybody else had the same idea because the place was packed. After some squirming from the kids and begging for popcorn, we settled in and watched the movie...well some of it anyway. Overall, I thought the movie was really cute. I love Mater and think he totally stole the show.
After the movie, we came home and tried to stay in from the heat. I ran to the store and took my neighbor to get her car from the shop, but we tried our best to stay in and as cool as possible.
Looks like we're getting a "cool" front move through and it's going to be 98 degrees tomorrow..woohoo (can you hear the sense of sarcasim here?) We are definitely in the thick of summer and staying cool is our goal each and every day.

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